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So far adminold has created 19 blog entries.

Multiplier Event, Romania

On 16th June 2023, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 13 organized the multiplier event POVESTIRI DIGITALE ȘI LECȚII CLIL ÎN EDUCAȚIA DE SECOL 21 (Digital stories and CLIL lessons in 21st century education) at the University of the West and 45 people came, colleagues from other schools in Timisoara and outside Timisoara, directors, teachers at University, stakeholders from companies, representatives from the city hall and representatives of cultural associations and organizations.

2023-08-27T20:55:57+00:00Multiplier Events|

Multiplier Event, Italy

On 19th May 2023 a Multiplier Even took place in the public library of Nocera Umbra. Over 30 attendees took part in the event. An overview of the CLIL4CH project was presented, followed by a presentation on the CLIL methodology and how it was implemented in the school as an experimentation.

2023-08-14T12:48:15+00:00Multiplier Events|

Multiplier Event, Serbia

On 09.06.2023. the Erasmus+ team from "Žarko Zrenjanin" Elementary School organized a Round Table on the topic "Implementation of innovative methodologies, digital storytelling and CLIL in teaching". 36 participants from various primary and secondary schools from Novi Sad and its surroundings, as well as representatives of private schools, the School Administration, the City Administration for Education, the faculty and IT companies attended this event.

2023-06-29T17:27:28+00:00Multiplier Events|
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